DIY Jewelry Storage

Growing up with a grandfather who was a jeweler wasn’t a bad gig. There were many hours of show and tell, and even the fortunate bonus of getting handmade jewelry for ‘life milestones’. Each item crafted by my grandpa is very special to us grandkids and we all treasure these family heirlooms. Sadly, this unique talent skipped right over me, but it certainly resonates in my sister.

We all know those girls who love the glitz and glam things in life. My sister, Michelle, is one of those girls. If it has glitter, rhinestones, or anything sparkly, it’s the thing for her. What started when she was little with bedazzling all of her clothes, has now turned into the hobby of jewelry making. True, my grandpa worked with real jewels and fine metals, but Michelle’s jewelry is nothing to brush aside. Since she is constantly making and selling jewelry, the arsenal of earrings and necklaces she has assembled is quite impressive. For her birthday, I knew that she would appreciate (and actually use) another means for her to store her creations. I may not be able to make jewelry, but I knew I could make some sort of jewelry holder.

I’m sure you’ve seen lots of ideas for jewelry storage online, so you can consider this just another one to add to the mix!

What you need:

Frame—I got mine at Hobby Lobby on super clearance

Radiator Grill/Screen

Metal cutter/shears

Spraypaint (optional)

S Hooks


Step 1:

Spray paint your frame. My sister’s room has the color scheme of a peacock feather—the walls are bright purplish pink, and the accents are golds and blues. Subdued isn’t quite a word that one associates with my sister. To go with this color scheme, I decided to spray paint the frame a deep purple color.


Step 2:

Cut your radiator grille. I found my metal screen at Home Depot. They had four patterns that came in aluminum, gold, and a bronzish color. I went with gold because Michelle already has that color as an accent in her room. I think that purple and gold are very regal colors, and Michelle always jokes that she is the queen, so it was a perfect fit!

P1030376 I used some metal cutting shears and cut it down to size. You’ll notice that some of the corners are cut on an angle—this is where the little hooks are that enable you to hang it on the wall. I wasn’t sure if she wanted it horizontal or vertical on her wall, so I was sure to leave these hooks free from the screen.


The screen itself was about $30, and I certainly will be using all of the remnants to create something else—maybe some jewelry holders for myself.

Step 3:

Secure your grill onto the back of the frame. I used a stapler to do this, and it worked like a charm. Step back and admire your handiwork!


Step 4:

Place your S hooks through the holes in the screen. I chose to hold off on this step until I gave it to my sister as I didn’t know if she would use this for necklaces, bracelets, or both. We stuck the S hooks in when she knew which jewelry it would hold.


Here it is when it was all said and done and up on her crazy colored wall:

mom1 finito

 What do you think? This craft is not only practical, but couldn’t have been any easier to make. It took all of 5 minutes to physically put together. I’m looking forward to making one of my own sometime soon—although I can guarantee you it won’t be purple and gold! 



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