Posts Tagged ‘home decor’

DIY Book Covers

The largest project my husband and I have done in our house is the built in entertainment center for our first floor. It took lots of brainstorming and planning to make this from scratch, but we are beyond thrilled with the results.

After it went up, we quickly filled it with books and some baubles that went with our sailing/nautical-lite theme.  As the months went by, I found myself tinkering with the items on the shelves as well as the layout… I was just not pleased with how it looked.


Here’s a close up of the shelves— they were too cluttered/a bit too full for my liking. We used a textured wallpaper (similar to grass cloth) for the back of the bookshelves—I wish it photographed more like it actually looks! Forgive the TV wires… we haven’t put them through the cabinets yet!

Optimized-before up close


After de-cluttering and shifting some things around, I found a layout that I could live with.


Now that I liked how the shelves were more open, I wanted to make the whole thing blend together. I was not a fan of the mishmash of cover colors and wanted to do a subtle theme of blues, greens, and creams—this would match much better with the rest of the décor in the room.

My husband thought I was insane when I told him I was going to recover the books. When I removed the paper cover, some of the hardcover books were already blue or cream, so that worked to my advantage. It was mostly the paperbacks that I had to deal with.

As I wanted to print on the covers, I referenced/modified this in depth tutorial from the blog The Precious Little Things in Life.

Here’s how I covered my books.


What you need:


Paper (I found some large paper at Hobby Lobby and used brown shipping paper that I  

             already had leftover from Christmas)



Measuring Tape



Microsoft Word

photo 1 


Step 1:

First I had to determine what color I wanted each book to be. I did a rough sketch of our books in the layout that I liked and then assigned each book that was getting covered a color.

Step 2:

Line up your books and group those of the same height together. Under each category of height, I listed the individual measurements for those titles.

Step 3:

Measure your books. You need two measurements, the height of the book, which you already measured, and the book’s circumference. Find the book’s circumference by placing the lip of your measuring tape on the backside of the book, wrap around the spine, and across the front cover.


When you have all of these written down, you are ready to start covering your books. It would have been lovely if I had books that were the same height and circumferences, but alas every book was slightly different. This would have saved me some time cutting out the paper (I could have cut multiple sheets at once). Maybe you will be luckier than I was.

Step 4:

These directions might vary ever so slightly for you, as I was using Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac. In Microsoft Word, navigate to Page Set Up.

file page setup

In the Page Set Up box, find Paper Size, and go to Manage Custom Sizes—this is where you will type in your measurements to ensure a perfect fit.

In the Manage Custom Sizes box, the Width box is where you will type the height of the book. The Height box is where you will then type the circumference  measurement. You can see this in the picture below, as well as the fact that I chose to make my top, bottom, left, and right margins 0.

page setup

Your page will now look tall and narrow—this is what you want in order to print the title.

Step 5:

Now that you know your page dimensions, you’re ready to cut your paper. Cut your paper to the same measurements that you typed in the Width and Height boxes. Once your paper is cut, put it in your printer (I had to use the manual feed tray in the back of mine).


Step 6:

You’re almost ready to type your book title onto the spine of your book cover.

You can vary the fonts and sizes to your liking—I chose to keep my font the same for every book. The only thing I changed was the font size. Some of my book spines were 2 inches while others were ¼ inch, therefore I used size 30 font for the bigger titles and size 14 font for the smaller. I printed out one regular old page of a few titles with font sizes of 14, 18, 22, 26, 30. I then held up this sheet to the books when I was ready to type the titles in order to eyeball which size was the best fit.

Step 7:

Remember where you typed the circumference of the book into the Height box? In my earlier photo it was 16.25. In order to type your title perfectly centered on your book cover, you need to take your circumference measurement and divide it by 2.

For example, 16.25/2 = 8.125.  Hit enter until you bring your cursor down to roughly 8.125. So long as you are in the ballpark of that number, you will be fine.

Center your cursor, and type in your title and author.

centered text

Step 8:

With your paper in the printer and title typed up, go ahead and print.

Lay your book on the printed paper and pull until the title is centered on the spine. 

photo 3

Make a crease where the front/back covers end so you know where to fold your paper. Tape the cover in place.


Step 9: (Optional)

I decided to lightly pinch/crease the spine so there was more definition around the edges.

covered books 

So there you have it– freshly covered books to go with the color scheme of your choice. Here are a few shots of the books on the shelves. (Pardon the wonky lighting in a few of the photos).


P1030503 P1030498



Although it took a while, I enjoyed doing this project. It was kind of like a grown up version of covering your textbooks back in middle school! 



Burlap Webbing American Flag

When I first saw the red ticked burlap webbing that we received from, I immediately thought of two things: Christmas and American Flag. Since it’s a bit early for Christmas crafts, I’m going to share the Burlap Webbing American Flag that I envisioned and was (happily) able to create.

I knew the webbing would be a great fit for a rustic style American Flag—perfect for our home décor.

 Burlap Webbing American Flag

What you need:

Canvas (I suppose you could use wood too)

Red Ticked Burlap Webbing

Blue Burlap Garland (found in floral section of craft store) – or any leftover blue fabric you may have

Hot Glue Gun


Optional- something for stars

Burlap Webbing American Flag

Step 1:

Cut your strips down to size so they fit your canvas. I chose to wrap my strips around the sides of my canvas so the white edges weren’t exposed. I did not wrap the bottom, as it will be leaning on a table or shelf, but I did choose to wrap the top. In total I needed 5 strips.

I also cut out a rectangle from my blue burlap garland to serve as the blue part of my flag.

Step 2:

Layout your strips next to your canvas. As you can see, the strips are quite a bit taller than the canvas, so you have to decide how you want to layer them in order for everything to fit on the canvas.

I wasn’t crazy about the uneven spacing between the red lines and burlap color, so I decided to layer my strips to hide the top red line on each piece of webbing. This would give me nice even red/burlap spaces.

Burlap Webbing American Flag

Step 3:

Fire up that glue gun and get to work. With each strip, I glued the left side of the canvas and simply worked my way to the right, again adhering it to the side of the canvas.

You can see how I cover the top red line on each piece of webbing in the photos below.

Burlap Webbing American Flag

Step 4:

Grab your blue burlap rectangle and glue it to your flag. Since the blue burlap had bigger spaces/was more see through, I was worried that gluing the entire rectangle down would show through to the surface. Therefore, I chose to glue down just the edges of the blue fabric—it stays on there just fine.

Burlap Webbing American Flag

Step 5:

Decision making time- stars or no stars? At the moment I have no stars on my flag and I think I will keep it that way. Reason 1: I like the simplicity of the flag without the stars

Reason 2: I made several attempts to cut small stars out of good old burlap, but each ‘edge’ of the star unraveled, leaving me with a 3 or 4 pronged/misshapen star. Perhaps if I see some pre-cut burlap stars that fit the bill at a craft store I will buy them and see if I like how they look on the flag.

Burlap Webbing American Flag

I just love how this craft came out! Currently it’s on the foyer table instead of its intended shelf destination—we’ll see if it stays put.


Happy 4th of July!!


Yarn American Flag Wreath

For the 4th of July and Flag Day (Grace would be sad if I didn’t mention it), everyone needs to show some good old American pride. This easy American Flag Yarn Wreath is the perfect way to do just that. This craft is from the early years of craft night—we had seen similar ones on Etsy and knew we could do this ourselves.

Pardon the lack of photos for this craft—we didn’t used to take pictures mid-craft back in the day. Luckily this craft doesn’t have much to it anyway!


What you need:

Foam Wreath

Red, White, and Blue Yarn

“Stars” of your choosing- buttons, pom-poms, white fabric, etc.

photo 1

Step 1:

Gather your supplies. You want to roughly plan out how big your red, white, and blue sections of yarn are going to be. You can lightly mark these ‘borders’ on your foam wreath.

foam wreath Step 2:

Start with your choice of yarn color. You don’t need a glue gun to secure the starting end of the yarn in place—simply wrap your yarn over it. We all did this for the entire wreath and none of ours have even come close to unraveling.

photo 3The wrapping can get a bit tedious, so we were fortunate to have each other to keep us occupied/from going a bit crazy. The girls can attest that I got a bit OCD with my wrapping—trying to keep it as straight as possible. This made me the slowpoke of the group, causing me to have to finish my wreath at home :(

Step 3:

For your final section of yarn (for us it was the blue), make sure you thread your ending piece through the blue wrapped section. Again, this will keep it from unraveling.

Glue your ‘stars’ onto the blue section of your wreath, and you are good to go!

Here are our three wreaths:

Fourth of July Yarn Wreath

Grace keeps it rustic by hanging it in front of a chalkboard.

Rona Yarn WreathRona made a cute braid to hang hers—love the pom-poms!

wreathI picked up some asymmetrical wooden star buttons and painted them with white acyclic craft paint that I had at home.


 What door décor do you have for the 4th? We’d love to see it.


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