Posts Tagged ‘decor’

March Mantel Madness- Mantel Ideas for March

Mantel Madness is in full swing over here. Read more to see my Mantel Ideas for March.

I just took down February’s mantel, made a burlap bunting/banner (anyone know which one to call it?), and  swapped a few more Marchy (read: Green and Spring) items, and I called it a day. And once again, I did not spend a cent!

Let’s take a look at this lucky lovely mantel.

IMG_4223And now for some close-ups and the details.

Mantel Ideas for March The moss covered “D” is one of my favorites. Lisa and her husband made the “D” for me. She explained how to cut letters in her Berry T post. Instead of berries, I bought some sheets of moss (the kind with the sticker back), which you can find in the floral section of any craft store. And I simply cut the moss and covered the letter. Could it get any simpler?

Mantel Ideas for March

Dollar Store Flowers? Yes, Please!

The beer growler gets another month on the mantel, but I swapped the glitter hearts with some artificial forsythia and pussy willows, which I snagged at The Dollar Tree. If you don’t frequent The Dollar Tree you might want to start. Or…actually don’t, or you’ll end up with six packs of doilies with which you swear will become something.

Mantel Ideas for March

What says March more than a horn and a bird. Right?

The horn I found in the boys’ toy box.

The little bird? Finn picked that out at his Great Grandmother’s retirement home’s gift shop. I’m not suggesting you start perusing your local retirement home’s gift shop, but I’m not not suggesting that either…

Mantel Ideas for March

On the other side, is another bird that Finn picked up at the Old Folks’ Home, a cute pewter mug that was my husband’s when he was a wee lil lad; a wine cork filled green cut glass bowl, which my mother-in-law gave me (Thanks, Amy. I LOVE that bowl); a plate (a wedding gift), which I thought was kind of like an Irish Blessing, and bonus: the colors worked; and then two books , which are dual purpose as I needed height, but they also add a bit of interest.

March Mantel burlap buntingMantel Ideas for March

Truly, it’s nothing crazy, but I like it. Have you dolled up your mantel for March? If so, I’d love to see it!



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