Posts Tagged ‘DIY’

Moss Covered Letter

Here’s another craft that I made for the bride-to-be at her shower. After the vintage garden theme was settled, I knew right away that I had to make a moss covered letter. It was the perfect fit for the theme of the shower and could also serve as home décor for the bride and groom in their new house!

Moss Covered Letter

What you need:

  • 1/4” plywood—I used leftover from my Berry T Wreath and Moss Shamrock crafts
  • Letter on paper (font of your choice)
  • Jigsaw
  • Sandpaper
  • Spray Paint- optional
  • Moss—I used sheet moss found at any craft store
  • Glue Gun
  • Burlap/ribbon

Step 1:

Choose a font for your letter. Again, since we have access to the LCD projectors at school, I used that to trace my letter onto paper. No LCD projector? Print out your letter on two pieces of paper and tape them together. Trace your letter onto your wood.

Note- I was working with a remnant piece of wood, so it was already cut into a square shape that was close to the border of my letter. You don’t want too much excess wood getting in your way as you cut.


Step 2:

Cut out your letter using the jigsaw. Use some sandpaper to smooth out the edges.


Step 3:

As with my other wood crafts, I decided to spray paint my letter in green. The moss won’t cover the sides of the letter and I wanted the wood to match.

Moss Covered Letter

Step 4:

Trace your letter onto the back of your moss sheet and carefully cut it out.

Moss Covered Letter3

Step 5:

Using your glue gun, apply your moss. Make sure you have newspaper or toweling down to catch the many pieces of shedding moss.

moss covered letter

Step 6:

Tie burlap or whatever ribbon you choose around the letter and it’s ready to hang. I think this looked just awesome on a mirror at the bridal shower.

Moss Covered LetterThis is a great craft for yourself or even as a gift!



Aging Terracotta Pots

This past weekend, my mother in-law hosted a bridal shower for our cousin Justine. My mother-in-law is truly the ‘hostess with the mostess’—her gatherings are always impeccable!

The theme of the bridal shower is vintage garden—think burlap, rustic, and natural. Each guest will receive a potted herb for her favor—which is where crafting comes into play!

Here’s the method we used to get a faux aged look for our terracotta pots.pots 5


What you need:

Terracotta Pots and bases- ours were 4 inches

Rustoleum American Accents Stone Spray Paint

Green craft paint- in a hue of your choice

Foam brush

Sandpaper—we used the ones that look like a block/sponge

Newspaper/dropcloth for your spraying surface


Step 1:

Lay out your pots in an arrangement that is conducive to spraying. We had over 40 pots and bases!

Step 2:

Spray your heart out. The stone spray paint was really cool—very textured and it adhered to the pot quite well. Don’t cover every inch—remember in the end you want it to look like it has aged naturally.

Just a light spray will do. Let dry completely.

pots 2

Step 3:

Using your foam brush, apply green paint on top of the spray paint. Again, do this sparingly. Don’t make it look perfect!

aged terracotta pots

Step 4:

Stretch out those hand muscles a bit, because you’ll need them for the sanding! Sand each pot until the surface is smooth. We found that using a circular motion helped to blend the green and white a bit better. For a more distressed look, press a bit harder on the sandpaper so the clay pot itself shows through more.

  pots 6

     So far so good! Look for the finished product with potted herbs in the Bridal Shower post.



A Mother’s Day DIY

Take one step into any store, you’ll know it’s Mother’s Day weekend. I always like to browse the greeting card section this time of the year to read the sweet little poems, punny jokes and clever sayings. There are so many options!!! It is the “mother of all mail days” after all (quick, name that TV show). Kevin James does a pretty accurate depiction of how I pick out a card.

Quite a few of my friends are celebrating their very first Mother’s Day this Sunday. I was all excited to pick out a few Mother’s Day cards during a trip to Target, but L wanted no part of it. Sitting in a shopping cart that’s not moving is not her thing. Anyway, I took advantage of nap time one afternoon and made a few cards for friends and family to commemorate the special day.

Mother's Day card 1

mother's day DIY card 2  mother's day diy card 3

The front of each card is personalized with dates and a message. The back reads “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body”~Elizabeth Stone.

mother's day diy front  mother's day diy back

This Mother’s Day DIY didn’t require a lot of materials. Here is what I used:

Mother's Day DIY Materials

  • 2 sheets of 12”x18” brown construction paper (made 6 cards)
  • 2 packs of decorative flowers (found at scrapbook section, bought 3 used 2)
  • 1 pack of green embroidery floss
  • 6 library book cards (thanks to media center book weeding!)
  • a few green paint chips
  • a piece of news paper
  • ribbons

The inspiration for the cards came from here. They were super easy to make thanks to my trusty hot glue gun and the detailed instructional video. I changed the design a bit and adapted a few steps to work with the tools/materials I had. I also cheated with the flowers. Instead of hand stamp/emboss each flower, suggested by the video, I used store bought crepe paper flowers. I guess I should change the title to A Mother’s Day Semi-DIY.

mother's day diy card 5

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommas out there!

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