Yarn American Flag Wreath

For the 4th of July and Flag Day (Grace would be sad if I didn’t mention it), everyone needs to show some good old American pride. This easy American Flag Yarn Wreath is the perfect way to do just that. This craft is from the early years of craft night—we had seen similar ones on Etsy and knew we could do this ourselves.

Pardon the lack of photos for this craft—we didn’t used to take pictures mid-craft back in the day. Luckily this craft doesn’t have much to it anyway!


What you need:

Foam Wreath

Red, White, and Blue Yarn

“Stars” of your choosing- buttons, pom-poms, white fabric, etc.

photo 1

Step 1:

Gather your supplies. You want to roughly plan out how big your red, white, and blue sections of yarn are going to be. You can lightly mark these ‘borders’ on your foam wreath.

foam wreath Step 2:

Start with your choice of yarn color. You don’t need a glue gun to secure the starting end of the yarn in place—simply wrap your yarn over it. We all did this for the entire wreath and none of ours have even come close to unraveling.

photo 3The wrapping can get a bit tedious, so we were fortunate to have each other to keep us occupied/from going a bit crazy. The girls can attest that I got a bit OCD with my wrapping—trying to keep it as straight as possible. This made me the slowpoke of the group, causing me to have to finish my wreath at home :(

Step 3:

For your final section of yarn (for us it was the blue), make sure you thread your ending piece through the blue wrapped section. Again, this will keep it from unraveling.

Glue your ‘stars’ onto the blue section of your wreath, and you are good to go!

Here are our three wreaths:

Fourth of July Yarn Wreath

Grace keeps it rustic by hanging it in front of a chalkboard.

Rona Yarn WreathRona made a cute braid to hang hers—love the pom-poms!

wreathI picked up some asymmetrical wooden star buttons and painted them with white acyclic craft paint that I had at home.


 What door décor do you have for the 4th? We’d love to see it.


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